BALTIC WAY 30 & MRP 80 in Stockholm


23 August 2019

15.00 Norrmalmstorg 

Baltic Way 30 – A celebration of Baltic independence

The 23 of August it’s been thirty years since one of the most beautiful manifestations for freedom ever – the Baltic Way. An unbroken chain, hand in hand from Tallinn to Vilnius. Two million people and 600 kilometres. A third of the population. By this courageous act the people showed that they were not going to tolerate Soviet oppression anymore. Come to Norrmalmstorg, bring a friend and let’s form a chain, a circle around the monument for Baltic independence.

15.00   Speeches
15.30   Forming and filming the “Baltic Way Stockholm 2019”


17.00 Estniska Huset i Stockholm, Wallingatan 34

Baltic Way 30: One History, Two Million Stories

17.00   Doors Open. Mingel. Opening the Exhibition “Baltic Way 30: One History, Two Million Stories”

Short film “The Baltic Way”

17.30   Welcome and introduction
– Sirle Sööt (REL), Lars Rönnberg (SOV), Daina Millers-Dalsjö (ZLA), Stefano Giangiacomo (SLF), Marijus Sabalas (LBS)
17.40   Greetings from Riga – via videolink – Gunnar Hökmark, Måndagsrörelsen
17.45   Cold War and Warm Sea / Om ett väldigt kallt krig och värme över havet- David Lindén, historiker och författare
18.05   Aldrig mer 1939 – Patrik Oksanen, journalist
18.45   Youth perspectives on history – Nora Sööt, Association of Estonian Youth in Sweden (ENR)
18.55   “Ärgake, Baltimaad /Atmostas Baltija / Bunda Jau Baltija!”
19.00   Networking